UpNano joins MIT.nano Consortium | MIT News

MIT.nano today announced that UpNano US Inc. (a company that produces and supplies high-precision, high-resolution 3D printing tools for academia, industry and government) has joined the MIT.nano Consortium. This engagement, initially planned for two years, will include locating one of UpNano’s NanoOne 1000 instruments in MIT.nano.

“We’re thrilled to welcome UpNano to the MIT.nano Consortium,” says Vladimir Bulović, the founding faculty director of MIT.nano and the Fariborz Maseeh (1990) Professor of Emerging Technology. “Not only is UpNano’s 3D printing technology an exciting addition to MIT.nano’s growing toolsets, but the company brings a global perspective on academic research and industry application that will be immensely valuable to the MIT.nano community and our consortium members.”

UpNano US Inc. is a U.S. subsidiary of UpNano GmbH. It is based in Boston. The company is a worldwide distributor of 2-photon polymerization based (2PP) 3D printers.

NanoOne platform features a compact multiphoton printer with custom control software. It supports a wide range of photopolymer materials. This system combines 2PP’s high precision with the ability to dynamically alter the focal point’s dimensions on demand. This printer produces feature sizes ranging from 150 nanometers up to 40 millimeters. It is also fast (up to 100x faster than other 2PP systems). The system is faster than other 2PP systems, allowing for quicker prototyping and shorter development cycles. Small-scale serial production can also be possible.

A UpNano application scientist will also be stationed at MIT.nano in the fall to support research activities including training, use and collaboration with MIT researchers.

“UpNano is very excited to provide support to the important scientific mission of MIT.nano and affiliated researchers,” says Bernhard Küenburg, co-founder and CEO of UpNano. “From next-generation display materials, and micro-scale systems for biological study, to new material and design options for microelectronic devices, MIT researchers are at the forefront of many of the world’s most urgent challenges. We look forward to working with them to extend this research to even smaller dimensions and enable them to continue to push the boundaries of what is possible.”

In MIT.nano’s quarterly industry consortium meetings, UpNano will provide advice to help guide and advance nanoscale innovations at MIT alongside the 10 other consortium companies:

  • Analog Devices
  • Draper
  • Edwards
  • Fujikura
  • IBM Research
  • Lam Research
  • NC
  • NEC
  • Oxford Instruments/Asylum Research
  • Raith

MIT.nano welcomes new companies to its sustaining member program. For more details, visit the MIT.nano Consortium page.

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