DTG tests receivers in HbbTV targeted advertising

After testing 95% receiver markets, DTG has created a new test lab to assess the status and current HbbTV implementations in Britain.

In April 2021, the DTG established a cross-industry task group on Targeted Advertising with partners including Arqiva, Channel 4, Google, S&T and TP Vision.

It wanted to establish the suitability of DTT devices for the substitution of broadcast ads with broadband-delivered targeted ads (also known as ‘addressable TV’); and to develop a simple HbbTV application for a demonstration.

The project identified the devices’ capabilities and if they fulfil quality metrics for broadcast ad replacement. According to the DTG, the report will assist broadcasters in making informed decisions about the tools needed to reach as many devices as possible. It’s been named a finalist in this year’s HbbTV Awards.

“We know the TV landscape undergoes constant evolution (and sometimes revolution!) and it is dynamic, important work like this, with organisations that are leading the pack, that ensures we are guaranteeing excellent viewer experience throughout,” said DTG Testing Associate Director, and project lead, Ranjeet Kaur.

The tests were conducted on 100+ devices in DTG Zoo, representing 95% receivers in UK homes. The results are included in the project report.

The app suite can also be downloaded starting today.

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