Webinar 22 November 2022: Surveillance of HIV resistance acquired to dolutegravir by people receiving dolutegravir based antiretroviral medication with an unsuppressed virus load


Current WHO HIV treatment guidelines recommend that dolutegravir (DTG-based ART) be the first-line regimen for HIV-positive people who start ART. The number of countries adopting DTG as part of the preferred first-line ART has steadily increased. As DTG-based ART is increasingly used to treat HIV, it is vital to assess the extent to which DTG resistance has developed in the populations receiving ART. 

Cabotegravir long acting pre-exposure prophylaxis is (CAB-LA PrEP), a Cabotegravir analog of DTG, and it is highly effective in preventing HIV infection. Nearly 4 out of 4 HIV-positive people who have received CAB-LA PrEP could have cross-resistance to DTG. WHO recommends that HIV drug resistance surveillance be done in conjunction with the increase in DTG-containing ART and CAB/LA PrEP in HIV programs.

WHO has published several methods to monitor acquired HIV drug resistance. During a, a new sentinel method will be launched to monitor acquired HIV resistance to DTG. As part of the World Antimicrobial Awareness Week, 2022, webinar.


The webinar will launch WHO’s new method of sentinel surveillance of
acquired HIV drug resistance in people receiving dolutegravir-containing
ART. The webinar will also provide updates to attendees on:

1. Global transition to dolutegravir-based, ART
2. Dolutegravir resistance is a common problem in low- and mid-incxome nations
HIV-positive people are resistant to Dolutegravir after being diagnosed.
Pre-exposure to long-acting injectable Cabotegravir
4. The expected effects of long-acting injectable Cabotegravir pre-exposure prevention in sub-Saharan Africa.

A panel of experts will moderate the session.

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