Cloud Factory’s 3D-Printed Silver Jewelry

It is amazing how many unique and delicate jewelry designs can be made today with 3D printing. For example, a ring with 7,801 precious stones! Cloud Factory is one of the leading players in this field. It is a company made up of professionals from various sectors who work together to help artists and creators, brands, gamers, and others to develop real jewelry through additive manufacturing. With just an idea the team takes care of the design, 3D modeling, sending samples, packaging of your jewelry ordered with your brand logo … all without the need for a minimum order, or inventory problems. We interviewed them to learn more about their company and how they produce unique silver jewelry in a sustainable manner.

3DN: Could You introduce yourself and discuss your connection with additive manufacturing?

We are a group of people from very different backgrounds who have come together to create a unique team. Our founder Taavi has been working in the field of additive manufacturing for over a decade now – developing operating systems for FDM 3D printers and teaching students and fellow startups the benefits of 3D printing. Marek, our co-founder, is a PhD candidate in powder metallurgy. He worked as a scientist at TalTec University Tallinn before he ventured into the world of startups to solve different problems using industrial 3D printers. Kati, the only woman founder, worked as a market manager in one the largest and most established nightclubs in the Baltics. This involved dealing with different promoters and artist agents, and keeping the club’s young members informed about what is happening. I also have a degree as a creative entrepreneur, specializing in fashion designing. Erik joined us from investment gold, cryptocurrencies and affiliate marketing. We covered all aspects of our growing business. Taavi was most interested in additive manufacturing and how it could be used to show the benefits.

Cloud Factory

The Cloud Factory team

3DN: How did Cloud Factory’s adventure begin?

Taavi met a superstar from the United States who decided to retreat from the paparazzi and make a quiet retreat in Estonia’s forests. Taavi was very excited to be able to create some metal jewelry items for him and, together with Marek, they got a government innovation grant and developed fast, high-quality parameters for the university’s industrial 3D printer. Then,  Taavi asked me to join the team to help with branding, marketing and design. I was immediately able to see the potential of this business beyond the star he met. From there, we began to create samples for artists performing at the nightclub I managed and for other artists visiting Estonia. I used contacts from my previous work in the entertainment sector to help us make samples. We quickly saw the amazement in the artists’ eyes when we presented them with necklaces and rings with their logos and design elements. This business model immediately won them over, so we decided to expand the business from having a product store to not having our own sales channels and becoming a “white label” manufacturing service for many artists, influencers and jewelry brands.

3D printing: How do I make 3D printed jewelry

We currently only accept 925 sterling silver. We have a partner who purchases scrap silver from all over and refines it into silver dust which we can use for direct metal 3D printing. To 3D print jewelry made from 100% recycled silver, we use a selective laser melting technique. Many people have asked us why we chose this printing technology. It is the most efficient printing technology because it does not require complex manufacturing steps that are required for traditional methods. It allows us automate all of our manufacturing processes, which in turn saves time, material, and the planet. It is the technology that best fits our grand plan to build a network of fully automated, sustainable jewelry printing centers around world. This will offer a unique, fast, and carbon-free service for brands, creators, and individuals.

Cloud Factory

Cloud Factory uses a 3D metal printer to produce silver jewelry

3DN: What are the advantages and disadvantages of metal 3D printing?

Technology offers many advantages over the ones listed above. It allows us super fast production, customizations, limited run, new product launches in just days, and fully automates this labor-intensive industry. The only thing that is currently limiting us is the time it takes to create complex 3D models. It can take several days to complete more complex designs in order to begin the sampling process. That’s why we are also working on development that can help us automate the part of product development that requires a lot of manual work: converting 2D designs into 3D. This would allow us to onboard new customers more quickly than ever before.

3DN: How do YOU see additive manufacturing in the future for the jewelry industry?

I think the process that Cloud Factory uses will definitely be a key element of the industry within a decade – relative to the increased restrictions within the industry to stop polluting actions, traditional manufacturers are looking for new ways to be more planet friendly and to meet the desires and of the next generation’s customers.

3DN: Any last words of encouragement for our readers?

Cloud Factory is a pioneer in the sustainable production of fine jewelry. The jewelry industry is a lucrative one, but it has been limited in its potential for centuries by the need for extensive production knowledge, upfront payments, and long development processes. We are here to change things: we want to make the jewellery industry more accessible for future generations. It should be traditional but modern, affordable, fun, and sustainable. Cloud Factory can be found HERE.

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