TakeOff’s Killer Seeking Additional Bond Reducement

TakeOff‘s alleged killer, Patrick Xavier Clark, has already been granted one bond reduction – and if the judge grants his newest request, he could be out of jail within days.

According to a report from ABC13 published on Tuesday (December 27), Clark’s attorneys asked for another reduction during a Tuesday morning hearing. His legal team seeks an amount of $300,000.

If Judge Josh Hill lowers Clark’s bond to that amount, he is expected to be out of custody before New Year’s Eve. Clark has been asked by Judge Hill to surrender his passport. He also plans to assign Clark GPS monitoring through a bond company that will notify him immediately if bond conditions are breached.

Clark’s family is reportedly willing to put up their Houston-area home as collateral, and the whole family will co-sign a bond issued by a bondsman if lowered. A bail bondsman present at Tuesday’s hearing said the family has already taken care of the latter.

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Judge Hill is concerned that Clark could be a flight risk due to the fact that his passport and tickets from Mexico were discovered upon his arrest. The judge also wants a deep dive into the suspect’s finances as he was apparently recorded on a jail phone call saying the original $2 million was doable.

Thus far, Judge Hill has granted a $1 million bond reduction as well as Clark’s request of $5,000 to hire a private investigator. Per the terms of the agreement, the private investigator will take on the case for a price lower than the normal rate and he will also receive a printer and laptop from the sheriff’s office.

Jim Willis, the investigator Jim hired, confirmed that Clark’s ticket to Mexico had been cancelled a few days prior to Clark being arrested. He was allegedly on that trip with his sister, her friends.

TakeOff was shot and killed during an argument over a dice game outside of Houston’s 810 Billiards and Bowling Alley on November 1. Clark’s bond hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, December 28.

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