Energy Adviser: Simple ways to save money and energy

New Year’s resolutions are a controversial thing. Some swear by them, others swear off them. Anyone who’s tried them knows it’s hard to make them stick.

Whatever your past experience, consider one of the easiest and most rewarding resolutions you can make—resolving to consume and waste less energy this year. It’s as simple as flipping a switch. The benefits start right away and you’ll smile when see your energy bills shrink.

Here are some ideas to help you get started.

Resolve to turn off what you’re not using. When you leave a room for a short time, do not turn off the lights. Have electronics resting in “standby” or “sleep” mode? Leave the TV on, even if you’re not watching? All these things can lead to a surprising amount wasted energy. When you shut them off, you’re immediately lowing your household energy expenses.

Automating the process will make it even easier. For less than $50, you can get a smart power strip that will turn off everything plugged into it when the main device isn’t being used. Plug all your computing gear into one and the printer and scanner will turn off when it is not in use. Entertainment systems can be turned off by turning off the TV. The stereo and gaming system will also turn off when the TV is turned off.

You must resolve to reduce phantom loads. Unplug any unneeded chargers for smartphones, tablets, laptops and other devices. Even if they’re not connected to a device, they still pull a small trickle of energy. Unplugging them will prevent energy from being wasted and reduce your monthly bill. The smart power strip is an option if you prefer to keep them plugged in.

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