Department of Finance spent estimated €16,500 on printing operation for Budget 2023

The Department of Finance estimates it spent over €16,500 on its printing operation for Budget 2023.

Budget 2023 was announced September 27th, and both the Department of Finance and Department of Public Expenditure and Reform prepare printed documents for this.

Figures obtained by Radio Kerry indicate the Department’s largest expenditure in relation to printing Budget 2023 documents was on overtime for staff who assisted with printing.

Radio Kerry asked the Department of Finance for figures on how much it spent printing Budget 2023 documents and how much it spent other costs, such as maintenance and staffing, for its Budget 2023 printing operation.

According to the Department, the main source of printed material is its in-house printing facility. The vast majority of documents are printed the morning of Budget Day.

Printing of Budget 2023 documents itself comes in at over €3,100.

This includes 500 copies each of the Department’s tax policy changes, economic and fiscal outlook, and 500 copies of the Expenditure Report by the Department of Public Expenditure.

The Department of Finance also printed 450 copies of the speeches of Paschal Donohue (Minister for Finance) and Michael McGrath (Minister for Public Expenditure & Reform).

293 copies of the White Paper, 73 copies of An Páipéar Bán as Gaeilge, and 80 copies of the Department’s Extra Financial Resolutions, were also printed for the day.

Other costs incurred by the Department include over €2,500 to rent an extra printer, and over €4,300 for on-site technical and machine maintenance support.

This maintenance support runs from early morning to late afternoon on Budget Day in order to ensure continuous production and delivery of Budget documents.

According to the Department, a number of employees assist with printing on Budget Day. This occurs largely outside normal business hours. Overtime must therefore be paid.

This overtime also includes attendance by Print Room staff the preceding weekend, and in total cost the Department over €6,100 gross pay.

The Department said it cannot break down energy costs specifically for printing, but estimates them to be somewhere in the region of €27.

The Department of Finance said its estimated costs do not include the printing of the Budget 2023 folders, or the citizen’s guide to the budget, which are both the responsibility of the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform.

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