Closed Loop Print Process Adjustment Based on Real Time Feedback and Multiple Images Projection Method for Additive manufacturing

  • Intrepid’s patented technology enables a “closed loop” of contemporaneous feedback/print run optimization during builds.

  • Closed-loop printing results in a vastly improved quality of prints: greater structural integrity, fidelity to desired surfaces finishes, and better accuracy between print and print and printer and printer, among other benefits.

  • Combined with Intrepid’s Multiple Image Projection technology, Closed loop technology improves efficiency, reduces total system costs, and optimizes maintenance and serviceability schedules for high-volume production.

SAN DIIEGO, November 10, 2022–(BUSINESS WIRE.) Intrepid Automation, a manufacturing company that develops custom additive manufacturing systems using 3D printing technology, announced this week that the United States Patent and Trademark Office granted continuations to patent #11,465,340, for Closed Loop Print Process Adjustment Based on Real Time Feedback, and patent 11-1338,511 for Multiple Image Projector Method for Additive Manufacturing.

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US Patent #11,465,340, Closed Loop Print Process Adjustment Based on Real Time Feedback is for the process/method that allows digital 3D hardware to use contemporaneous data collected from sensors to monitor various parameters to optimize the printing process. (General summary, please refer to the patent text for a more detailed description). (Photo by Business Wire

Patent #11,465,340, Closed Loop Print Process Adjustment Based on Real Time Feedback, describes a method/process that allows digital hardware and software to use contemporaneous information from sensors to optimize the printing process in real-time. This improves print quality by ensuring greater structural integrity, fidelity to desired surface finishes and accuracy from print to printer and printer to printer.

Patent #11,338,511 for Multiple Image Projector Method for Additive Manufacturing. This is the process that allows multiple linked projectors to project a single image simultaneously, allowing 3D digital hardware up to 10x faster than legacy SLA technology. Combined with Intrepid’s Closed loop technology, Multiple Image Projection allows for truly scalable high-volume production: prints are faster, more accurate, and more consistent. These technologies can be combined with legacy technology digital 3D hardware to make it easier to maintain.

“These patents enhance our intellectual property portfolio, however, we are most excited about the benefits these processes will bring to our customers – best in class quality and scalability and unparalleled speed,” says Chris Tanner (VP of Research and Development, Intrepid Automation) and key leader in both technologies’ development. “It’s been amazing seeing the dedication, creativity, teamwork, and teamwork required to bring these new technologies to life on a daily basis.

The Intrepid patent portfolio contains 11 issued patents, and 4 pending international applications. The portfolio includes patents that use automation, robotics and software as well as applications related to industrial-scale additive production. Intrepid’s portfolio of custom, proprietary tresins includes digital investment casting resins, dental resins, biocompatible materials, patent-pending printed foam and general purpose functional and elastomeric resins. The Intrepid founding team has 300+ patents.

About Intrepid

Intrepid Automation develops custom, industrial-scale additive production systems for high volumes. These systems include 3D printers and software, as well quality control, automation, materials, software, and materials. Our end-to end systems combine high-speed, modular DLP technology and materials optimized for additive manufacture to produce end-use components with less waste. Intrepid is located in San Diego, CA. For more information, visit or contact Merrin Muxlow, [email protected].

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Merrin Muxlow, Marketing | PR
Intrepid Automation
[email protected]

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