Letter: McKinney, DTG spew foul material | Opinion

To the editor — I appreciate the YH-R’s recent coverage regarding the threat posed by DTG’s Rocky Top landfill to the health and welfare of surrounding neighbors and recreational lands.

DTG bought the landfill in 2019 and has more than tripled the annual disposal. Most of the waste is outof-county. DTG is routinely found out of compliance by regulators. Today it’s a toxic nightmare, prompting the Department of Ecology to recommend “that placement of waste at the DTG LPL cease until such time as a liner can be designed and constructed to meet the requirements …”

While neighbors and regulators ask “Why is the Rocky Top landfill belching toxins?” Yakima County Commissioner McKinney downplays concerns and tries to take credit in bringing the parties together on this issue. What a crock.

Concerned citizens filed over 100 complaints with government regulators and heard nothing from McKinney until neighbors requested a meeting with her, where she expressed more concern for DTG’s reputation and profit margins than the toxic odors created here under her “leadership.”

McKinney isn’t listening and doesn’t want to recognize the real threat to our community; instead she espouses support for the King County-based company that created a crisis at Yakima’s recreational treasure.



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