3D Printing: The Emergence

3D printing is filling up media stories with its incredible potential and versatility. This is due to the fact that production costs are decreasing at such a rapid pace. 3D printing is now possible for everyone. How did this new technology get started?

It was initially used only by large companies that needed detailed prototypes of their products. It was sometimes called “rapid prototyping”, but the problem was that the materials used for the prototypes were not strong enough. Although the ‘printer’ could create the design and desired structure, it was too fragile, almost like wax. This technology was designed for engineers who wanted to see their designs in flesh.

Technology advanced as it does every time. The future potential of this prototype machine was recognized by companies. It was a waste of money and energy to create more durable materials. This was the key to its success. Nanotechnology enabled them to create designs that were not only strong but also durable. The 3D printer evolved rapidly from that point, with creations as strong and durable as concrete.

These machines are no longer capable of producing prototype designs. Instead, they produce actual working parts that can be immediately used. Companies started dreaming big and rethinking strategies. All of a sudden, there was a way to make elements for many different purposes in a much simpler and more cost-effective manner than ever before.

This technology holds great potential. Although 3D printing is still relatively new technology, it could revolutionize the industrial landscape. It would fundamentally change the way large manufacturers, such as those in the automotive and defense industries, produce parts. It could be possible to see it on a large scale domestically in the near future. Do you need a new kettle? You can order it and print it from the comfort of your own home.

3D printing’s versatility is what makes it so attractive. It can be used in the medical and health industries to create parts for the human body and prosthetics. New technologies will drastically reduce the time and cost required to produce these bespoke materials. The revolution is well underway, as 3D printing machine costs are dropping every day. Only time will tell how far they can go in realizing their enormous potential.

Source by Rob P James

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